The Smart pi FSM or Fire Safety Manager is designed to comply with the EN54-16 standards and can be used to make a Smart pi ECOsystem compliant to EN54-16.
Additionally, the Smart pi FSM can be used to monitor and control audio for other standards such as the AS 60849 Sound systems for emergency purposes (IEC 60849:1998 MOD) standard in Australia.
Monitor a single EN54-16 Zone with Smart pi NAMs
Easily Configurable via built in web interface
Compliant for EN54-16 Standards
Front to back cooling ensuring maximum use of rack space, with embedded web server so no additional computer or software is required
LDAP / Active Directory Security Control
Additional monitoring modes for larger systems where EN54-16 is not required
Highly reliable with built in watchdog protection
OCA / AES70 interface for for control and integration
Screen Views
Designed for EN54-16 systems
Monitor a single EN54-16 evacuation zone with multiple Smart pi NAMs